There are many symptoms for heart and circulatory diseases.
Most of them are non-specific, for example, shortness of breath, loss of performance, fatigue and oedema. This means that they can be associated with heart problems, but do not have to be. To rule out diseases, blood tests are available that provide information about heart function. Certain disease-specific biomarkers are considered indicators of heart attack and cardiac insufficiency and are also used to monitor therapy. On the basis of inflammation values and antibodies, for example, we identify endocarditis or myocarditis. There are also heart diseases that are hereditary. With genetic diagnostics we can find disease-causing mutations before a disease becomes clinically apparent.
Classify high blood pressure
Are the blood pressure values permanently above 140/90 mmHg? This is known as high blood pressure, which must be treated because hypertension damages the heart and blood vessels. But what causes high blood pressure? In most cases the cause is unclear. In ten percent of patients, organic diseases trigger high blood pressure, such as hormone disorders, kidney or heart disease. With various laboratory tests, we can assist in clarifying hypertension: Hypertension baseline profile, Endocrine hypertension, Essential Hypertension.
We are happy to help you with the test selection.
Loss of performance, fatigue, loss of appetite are signs of heart failure. To detect heart failure, we look for a marker in the blood: NT-proBNP. The more pronounced the cardiac insufficiency is, the higher this value is. The laboratory test also helps to distinguish heart muscle weakness from other causes of respiratory distress.
Hereditary heart disease
Is there a family history of sudden unexplained cardiac death? And are there noticeable symptoms that correspond to the suspected diagnosis of hereditary heart disease? Then use the possibilities of our genetic diagnostics. In many cases, hereditary heart diseases such as long QT syndrome or cardiomyopathies can be detected before they become a threat to health and life. Our medical specialists in genetics are happy to be able to help with the clarification.
Heart attack
Because the markers indicate the death of heart muscle cells, troponin T and I are meaningful blood values for the early diagnosis of a heart attack.
The heart attack is often caused by deposits in the vessel walls. A possible cause may be an unrecognized and untreated familial hypercholesterolemia. You can read about how it is detected at an early stage on our special page about familial hypercholesterolemia.

Arteriosclerosis - creeping cardiovascular risk
Atherosclerosis is a disease of civilisation and today the most common cause of death worldwide. One reason for the dangerous deposits in the arteries are bad cholesterol values. These are not always due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Behind too high cholesterol values can also hide a congenital fat metabolism disorder. Learn more about familial hypercholesterolemia, typical symptoms and the safe way to a diagnosis.