Quality Management
70-80 % of decisions in diagnosis are based on laboratory results and more and more laboratory analyses are requested. We therefore take particular care to ensure that our laboratory results and all processes leading to the reports are of consistently high quality. We ensure this through internal and external trainings on all topics of pre- to post-analysis, through measures for quality assurance and improvement, through internal audits and participation in national and international proficiency testing.
The crowning glory of our quality management is the recognition by these independent accreditation bodies:
- College of American Pathologists (CAP)
- Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)
- German Accreditation Body (DAkkS)Central Authority of the Federal States for Health Protection with regard to Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (ZLG),
- ISO 17025 and ISO 15189
Download our accreditations
Proficiency Testing Certificates
For quality assurance purposes, we regularly participate in external quality controls (interlaboratory comparisons) of recognized domestic and foreign proficiency test providers (INSTAND, RfB, CAP, GTFCh, BVDH, UKNEQAS, DEQAS, CHU de Poitiers and The Binding Site, etc.).